Another Sure(r) Way to Invest No, this isn’t a post about how to get rich quick — if you’ve been a reader of the rest of this blog you’ll know I’m very much interested in exploring the mental models of great investors by unpacking how they make their investing decisions for long term compounding.
Mark Leonard does it again… Long-time readers would know that I’ve been a fan of Mark H. Continue Reading →
(house)plants part six This summer I had the chance, for the first time, to grow my own vegetables in our garden. Continue Reading →
Yearn for Churn (if you’re this type of business) As SaaS, marketplace and subscription companies blossomed in the past decade, so has a cottage industry of bloggers, thought-leaders and advisors on providing support on how to reduce churn. Continue Reading →
houseplants (part II) I had posted earlier about how I’ve analogize houseplants to businesses. Continue Reading →
Love Letter One hallmark of great business leadership and investment thinking is clear writing. Continue Reading →
Opinion: On the Nature of Long-Term Holds In this week’s issue of Circle of Competence (#142) (highly recommended), one of the shared reads was a white-paper from the Yale School of Management, On the Nature of Long-Term Holds [of business investments]. Continue Reading →