in Frugality, Health, KonMari, Marie Kondo, Wellness

Enough is enough (is enough)

I recently got into the part of my cycle where I clear things out. These were physical things and it also being digital things. I started purging my closet and each successful round manifested garbage-bags full of clothes that either were too old, too big or too small.

I also never though I’d do this, but I going through this exercise with my shoes and donated many pairs. Surprisingly, we don’t have more empty space in our condo, but there’s less clutter. Maybe this is what Marie Kondo talks about in her book and is taking the world by storm. I do wonder though that this stuff we donate ends up in someone else hands or in the landfill at some point so it’s just moving ’round and ’round until it lands somewhere. My clutter is your reward, I guess.

I also went through my apps. I use to be a product manager for mobile apps so I had a few from work, for general interest and knowledge too. Now that I don’t support mobile apps anymore, I realized there were many I just don’t need. I removed quite a few of them but still have many. My home screen looks pretty decluttered now, with my bottom row completely empty on my iPhone X. I don’t miss the apps from my home screen.

Lastly, we got rid of some items that others might find value. Those ones we listed on Facebook Marketplace and those proceeds offset the new furniture we bought. Seems like a win-win-win.

I think all this was possible, because the state of clutter is akin to hoarding. Hoarding, in my opinion, has elements of not feeling like you know what you want (or don’t want) and feeling like you don’t have enough of something. When one feels like they have enough — enough of the right things, enough of things in general — I think that’s when you have space (literally and figuratively) to know what you want to keep in your life.

I’m still looking for things to donate or sell. Next up — our CD collection. 😉

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  • How to Spend It | Another Think Coming

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