“… and the third one is a strategy of selected internationalization. As you know, I’m Dutch. So, sometimes we jump on the back of the bike of our clientele. And we follow our clientele to another country. For example, in financial services, a large financial institution is using our product in the Netherlands, and is deploying our product now in Belgium, for example, and we’ll do the same most probably in Spain or Germany, in the near future.
Topicus.com Q1 2021 Quarterly Shareholder Call, Daan Dijkhuizen (CEO of Topicus.com
“Though the Maginot Line is a particularly good example, this is a much more general class of problem. Some sort of shock to a system (be it a military system, economic system, personal personal system, etc.) happens. The system is then redesigned to prevent that specific problem from happening again without thinking deeply about the more general system dynamics.”
The Maginot Line Problem, Taylor Pearson
“A lot of our customers are spending more for the caulking on their windows than our software.”
Mark Leonard, Constellation Software 2021 AGM