3 Best Reads of this Week

“… ironically, older retirees typically only experience a few major life transitions in the span of decades – retirement itself, a major change in health, and the death of a spouse – while it’s younger clients who actually experience a steady stream of major life transitions that may necessitate a financial advisor, from getting a new job, to going back to school, starting a business, getting married (or getting divorced!), having children, and more.”How The Financial Planning Process Differs For Young Clients: Not Simpler, But Different Complexities, Michael Kitces “The traditional search fund advice is that, below a certain scale, you’re buying a job.

3 Best Reads of this Week

“In many [online marketplace] categories, there will be some very, very big winners like Amazon, but there will be many other smaller winners because there is truth in the old adage that you can’t be all things to all people.”Winner Take All Or Not, Josh Breinlinger This post below isn’t new and in fact quite old, but good information is perennial (I’ve always found).